over the last several years, i've written in both a news/opinion journalism context as well as personal, creative outlets. this page contains a non-comprehensive sample of my work.

opinion writing


Farewell to the Daily Tar Heel
Universities must do more to combat sexual assault
UNC continues to research omicron as variant spreads
The "Carolina Experience" comes at a cost


The biggest science headlines of 2021
The omicron variant, explained
What's new in COVID-19 research
Course registration remains a frustrating process for UNC students
Applying to graduate school is an inequitable process
UNC's settlement distribution from antitrust lawsuit reflects inequity in higher ed
Yes, you can mix your COVID-19 booster shot brands
UNC can't remain a research powerhouse without library resources
What to know about the delta variant
Ten years since UNC's academic scandal — and we still haven't learned
Preparing for a post-pandemic life
When it comes to COVID-19 research, UNC is leading the charge
CRISPR cures — the ethics of what's next in gene editing
What COVID-19 taught us about science this year
A new COVID-19 antiviral drug?
What a new presidential administration means for science


Here's what happened in science this year
What the COVID-19 vaccine news really means
Abortion is health care, not political discussion
Can you trust a COVID-19 vaccine?
Twitter's and Zoom's algorithms illustrate why diversity in tech matters
How UNC can learn from its peers on COVID-19
No, we don't know if there are aliens on Venus
Controlling COVID-19 will require a global effort
Give WNBA players their credit
Stop gatekeeping graduate school admissions
Where UNC went wrong
A college athletes' union is long overdue
COVID-19 testing is essential for UNC to reopen safely
Racism is a public health crisis
How (not) to handle a pandemic
Scientific advancements in the time of COVID-19 and what they offer us
What to expect when you're expecting (a pandemic)
Those who can't teach, do
Misinformation spreads faster than the coronavirus
Battling coronavirus isn't an exact science
2020 STEM predictions

poetry + creative work

  • pending